An Eid’s Barber Story

Not part of the Useless Intern series of posts I have got going on, just on the record but something interesting anyway.

Every Eid, every year, and I believe almost everywhere, there are males of all ages from juniors to seniors lining up to get a haircut.

New clothes, new hair, gifts, money, nice food and all that good stuff to celebrate the festival of Eid.

I was once part of a frustratingly long queue a couple of Eids ago and I rank this memory quite highly amongst the most memorable (lol).

There was a guy in barbershop in the “queue” who I’d never seen before nor did he sound like a local, judging from his accent which was created from his continuous jabbering.

I say “queue” because there were seats in the shop and everyone sat anywhere they liked without regard to an order – this will become important later on.

So newguy started talking to the main barber and his son, while they were scissoring away, and was getting to know them. That’s fine – anyone with a chattermouth would do the same.

“So how do you remember who’s next in the queue? There’s like at least 12-15 people waiting here.”

Oldman barber points to his head.

“But that’s really difficult and you’re going have put in a lot more effort in? You’ve been working all day as well!”

“That’s how I’ve always done it,” says the Oldman barber and he shrugs and continues to cut more hair, as his job dictates.

The shop is left with a usual silence where newguy has stopped talking and is just looking down and seems to be pondering about the conversation he’s just had.

I don’t know what was going on newguy’s mind but it was probably something like this:
>Oldman barber cuts hair all day
>Probably tired from all that hair he goes through
>Has to remember everyone’s position in the queue
>No wonder he’s losing his hair lol
>lightbulb moment
>I’ll give everyone a speech to help out then I’ll get out of their hair

So newguy stands up in the middle of the shop and takes a deep breath.

“Hey guys, Eid Mubarak, hope you all have a nice day tomorrow… (Yada, yada)… and I’ve got one thing to say right now. Oldman barber has been working all day and is probably tired and I say it would be much better if everyone simply moves to their right whenever their seat empties. That way it would be easier to remember who’s next. So simply, just move to your right as soon as the seat is empty.”

Newguy sits back down and the usual silence continues.
I’m thinking to myself, not bad idea, newguy.
No one moves to the right and everyone stays in the same place.
Fricking lol.

I feel sorry for his two kids for having an annoying, loudmouthed, and controlling dad.

Eid Mubarak.

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